Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Prague, Czech Republic

Days 8 and 9: Prague, Czech Republic

Prague was another MUST visit/see for me while living in Europe.  The drive from Budapest to Prague was the longest between each city (other than the drive back to the airport) but we were able to drive through Bratislava, Solvakia.  

picture of the sunflower field we passed: 
This was out last border we had to stop at an buy a pass allowing us to drive in their country... so far we have Italy/Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Budapest (theirs was electronic though so we do not have that sticker, Slovakia, and Checz) 
Rokzanne waiting for the hubby's to get our passes... 

Kids waiting...
While on the highway… we were stopped in traffic... an accident caused traffic to be at a dead stop for about an hour and a half… so we did what everyone/anyone else would have- parked the car… got out and visited with the Dosier’s..  talked with truck drivers... snack... and let kids swap cars, play, watch different movies  
This man was so nice!!  He pulled out a bag of snacks for the kids and gave it to them...

We finally got to Prague- and found our dump... I mean hotel... yes… the hotel was crap and in an even crappier location which was nothing to write home about nor EVER return to… and was probably worse since we just left our amazing place in Budapest.  Either way we could survive the 2 days in the hotel because lets face it... we were only there to sleep.  There was way too much to see and do before we had to leave.  
Pictures driving in:

After setting our bags down, we quickly headed out for dinner and a little sight seeing- it was already 8pm when we started.
Dinner was AMAZING!!  Great way to start our time in Prague.
Walking to the metro:  

We popped up from the 
áclavské náměstí: Wenceslas Square

One of the most iconic places in Prague connecting many sights. This is where the Velvet Revolution demostrations took place.

From there we walked into Old town:

Looking up at Wenceslas Square
We made our way down the street towards Old Town- through: 
Na Příkopě- Na Prikope Street
One of the oldest Prague streets where you can find souvenirs, chocolates, shop and see some of the historical buildings. 
Paint your own brick:

Prašná brána: Powder Tower 
A Gothic tower where gunpowder used to be stored. 
Church of Our Lady Before Týn Kostel Matky Boží před Týnem
When near Old Town Square, visit this unique church with its towers reaching 80 m. It was built by Peter Parler and Matthias of Arras.

Prague Old Town- Old town Square Staré město
The heart of Prague and its oldest area with all the important sights.Old town Square: AWESOME!!!

Staroměstská radnice: Old Town Hall Prague
Its tower is almost 70 m high where it houses the Astr
onomical Clock.
Pražský orloj- Prague Astronomical Clock
This is the oldest astronomical clock (600 years old) that is still in use in the world. 

Walked arounStaré město: Prague Old Town
and came across the most amazing bakeries!!  

This store (and others like it) had every kind of Russian dolls you could ever think of... of course we had to buy some.  Aydin got a NY Giants one, I bought one for Amy and Erik (Broncos) and Morgan bought two... 

Kostel nejsvětějšího Salvátora- St. Salvator Church Old Town
Pražský hrad- Prague Castle
almost 1000 years old where Czech rulers sit  
Tomorrow we have a full day packed... tonight was just a small taste of what we can see and do!!  

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