Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Easter... and back in Virgina

Today is Easter and we are leaving Canada.  All of the wedding company left this morning and Steve and I took the opportunity to spend a few extra house with Erik and Amy alone.  After we visited, packed, ate, visited more... we made our way back into the states and stayed the night in Buffalo.

The Easter Bunny brought the kids a little something to show them that he did not forget about them... and left a note telling them they will have their baskets waiting for them next week Sunday.
(I have pictures of them with the little surprise but I can't find them-
I will post them when I find them)

After we decompressed a bit- the kids started having fun.. in the hotel:
Meaning Steve is a bridge for the kids to climb from one bed to another:

Monday morning, we took Steve to the airport and made our way back to Virginia Beach... to stay with Monica and Brad (some of my most favorite people in the world).  I could hardly wait to spend a little more time with Monica before going home.

A few years back, I met one of Monica's friends- Brook.  She lives in DC and decided to come down for the night to hang out with us all.  I am so glad she did, she is fantastic and we had a great time!

Tuesday Monica let her kids stay home from school because we did not know how much time we would have together and they were all having such a good time together.

Liam, Harper and Morgan played outside most of the day and had a blast!!
 The AWESOME fort in their backyard....
they WILL come make us one when we move.
 Trampoline fun:

and... the boys played their video games
Their dogs:

Tuesday- we hung out and played all day.  The kids had so much fun at their house!!

Liam would not leave Monica's rocks alone... he turned over every single one looking for bugs. I think Monica is so grateful her boys are not into bugs like he is

Hanging out in the yard...

Liam wanted to take these puppies home with us!!

All Aydin wanted to eat while in the states was sushi...
and that is what we got Tuesday night.  It was amazing!!   
After the kids went to bed... Monica, Brad, and I stayed up chatting and hanging out.
Monica decided she wanted to eat the boys Easter egg (Resse's).  When I came back to see what she ate and didn't... I seriously had to think about our friendship when I found the part she did not want:
the chocolate!!  We are a complete match... she could eat the peanut butter... and I would eat the chocolate. She cracks me up!!

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