Thursday, March 7, 2013

Drake's last few days

Tuesday-Thursday was not too eventful... for Heather and Taylor...
Tuesday we went to the mall and shopped a little and got churros after futbol.. once again.

Wednesday we went to Arcos... In the rain!!  We left Chipiona thinking it was going to be awful and when we got there... we felt relieved when the rain had suddenly stopped half way up the hill. 

Walking up...

Let me in... let me in.... Heather reaching for the doorknob...

I will never get sick of this view!!

The enterence to one of the stores...

Buying cookies from the nuns...
You go in this little door into a little hallway (waiting area).  Ring the bell and a nun will come to greet you... through a window that is.  Once you tell her you want to buy cookies... she loads all of the cookies onto the window, flips it around and tells you how much you owe after you pick what you want.  Its awesome!!

Down a side street on our walk back down...
I love Arcos... which is probably a good thing considering everyone that comes wants to go!  We had a great time... even if we got a little wet.

We were all set to go to Morocco Thursday morning bright and early but unfortunately that didnt happen.  We got a phone call at about 9pm Wednesday night telling us that the ferrys crossing over from Spain into Africa were closed due to heavy winds.  Although we were completely bummed... I would not have made for a fun adventour buddy if I had been car or motion sick.  We will just have to go next time they come...
SO- instead, we hung aorund the house, went to base for a few things, and got them ready for their trip home tomorrow. 

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