Thursday, July 12, 2012

Welcome home Steve... Hello San Diego!

These past few days have been amazing!!  Monday we left my family reunion to pick up Steve from the airport.  After a LONG 13 months, he finally returned home from Afghanistan.  I am so grateful for having him return home safe and unharmed.  I know it was from the many prayers that were said in his behalf and am grateful for your support through the year.

Waiting for him to get off the plane....

After about an hour...he got tired of waiting... and holding the sign...

He is HOME!!!!!

There was about 10 guys who were coming home tonight... Steve was of course the second to last guy to walk out.  They were the first ones off and the rest of the flight waited for the families to say hello and greet their loved ones before they even got off the plane.  It was awesome to see all of these men returning home after being away for so long.

Liam would not let him go!

Tuesday and Wednesday we did not do a whole lot, Steve worked for most of the day trying to check out and get out of  his command and start our move to Spain.  The kids and hung around the pool for most of the day and loved every minute.  How could we not at a place like this?

Our view from the pool... the kids didn't even want to go to the beach today since we spent all weekend there so we hung around the pool instead.

Thursday we headed up to Ventura again to be with my family.  We spent the whole day at the beach, playing with cousins, eating, taking family pictures and then being entertained by my brother Ben's magic show.  In all- there were: my parents, 6 siblings, 6 in-laws, 12 nieces, 6 nephews, Steve, our 3 kids and myself.  What a full house!!!

Drew (Ben and Jen's)
 Parker, Drew and Liam
 Kassie, Riley and Morgan
 Drew, Parker, Aydin, and Liam
 All the boys- minus Corom and Gary... 
John, Andrew, Mike, Ben, Mike Ballentyne, and Steve were out surfing... not sure who is pictured :)
 Steve at the end of the wave....
 Mike Hansen
 Corom FREEZING.... without a wetsuit.  He was nice enough to let Steve use it for the few hours we were here...
 Trina and Gary... and a load of kids
 Drew found a starfish...
 Even on the beach these two cannot seem to get along, so they are hugging it out- in PUBLIC!!
 Kassie and her sand ball man
 Mom, Jen, Danika 
 Papa, Aydin and Cooper

 Liam LOVES these guys.... Taylor, Sean and Andrew
 Jessica and Kylee

After we went to the beach for family pictures (pictures will be posted later)... Ben put on a magic show for the kids:
 Sean and Liam playing with the yoyo
 Lena, Ashlynn, Hayden, Aydin and Maggie

 Cooper and Jenn
 love her!
 Liam helping with the show...  Thanks Ben 

 Morgan wanted to wear the hat when the how was finished...
Koula showing off how strong she was by picking up Maggie
 That whole row of cars was from out family.... I think there was 11 total

 One last picture...
 Sherry and Dad

What an awesome day!!  It was so much fun to all be together, even if it was for a day!!  I am so grateful for the few days I had with all of my siblings and hope it will not be another 14 years before it happens again.

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