Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!

Tonight we went to my one of my best friends from high school, Sarah Ehret's house for dinner, hanging out and fireworks.  I am so happy that after so many years have past and going so long without seeing one another, it was so comfortable and fun being around one another.  She has a wonderful husband, fun children and a great family.  
The kids had so much fun spending time playing with other kids, running around their backyard, and playing games Sarah's sister Sheridan made up.

Aydin, Hayden (Chris and Ashley's little man) and Max (Jay and Sarah's little man)

Playing games:

Dean, Aydin and Morgan (Max's back)

Sheridan, Max, Morgan and Sheridan's little man: Quinn

After we all ate, it was finally dark enough for the kids to go out front and watch fireworks.  Aydin was so happy they left him light most of them!!  They had a great show between the amount of fireworks they had, their neighbors and others going off int he neighborhood.  What a great time spent with great friends.  Thanks Jay and Sarah for the great evening!!


Matt and Quinn

Watching the action...

Sarah and her boys


Morgan with Makenna

Sarah and me

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