Sunday, December 25, 2011


Well- this year did not quite feel like Christmas with Steve being gone.  I even think it was hard for the kids to get into it... that is... up until they saw their presents under the tree this morning and realized Santa came.  They woke up at 1:40 AM to see if it was time yet to open presents... then at 1:50... and finally at 2 am, I told them to come camp out in my room until morning.  6:15am rolled around... and who was knocking at our door??  NANA- thats who.  She poked her head in and asked, "Aren't you guys going to get up and open your presents?"  which did not take the kids more than a half a second to wake up and be at the door ready to go. 

 We were able to Skype with Steve while we all opened gifts- its days like today that I am SO grateful for modern technology.  As hard as it is being away from Steve throughout the holidays, I am so glad he was able to see everything through the computer.

The kids were so fun. Instead of going to their Santa gifts that they were able to see, they came straight to the computer where Steve was on to see him and say Merry Christmas.  Liam was more interested in playing with what the kids were opening rather than opening his presents.

We then got ready, went to church, came home and then began playing with all of the toys.... and played for the rest of the day.

Liam loved her American doll Jeep so much... he thought it was for him...

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