Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just another day at the zoo

We took another trip to the zoo today and had a great time.  I do believe that every time the kids have a break from school, we end up at the zoo for one of the days...
Like always.... we had a crowd at the zoo.  I was babysitting Ty and Tristen today, Jennifer and her kids came, and so did Lacy and her two younger ones.  It was great.  Liam walked the whole time and loved every minute of it!  I think this was his first time he actually saw every animal... and even pointed some out to us.

Tristen, Morgan and Julianne

Tristen and Morgan

Jimmie Frank, Aydin, Dawson, Ty, Tristen, Julianne and Morgan

Macy and Morgan

a bird.... with the otters int he background

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