Football is in full swing!!
Last week was our first week so the boys could not wear pads. Being 100 degrees most afternoons, I feel part of the reason is to get these poor kids acclimated to running around in the heat.
This week is full pads... meaning it is hitting time!! I was a little nervous having Aydin moving up this year from the 5-7 year old team where he was by far one of the biggest kids in Pop Warner for his age group to playing with 8-10 year olds. Not too sure why I was so concerned... my kid is a beast. He is one of the biggest kids on his new team this year which made him a little more comfortable about playing.
He is doing well... I know he can do better but we are still on week one. I just hope he has a great season and enjoys it considering this year will be our last with football for a while (since we will be moving to Spain next summer).
He is #7 while at practice... his game jersey is a different #
Today our team had a scrimmage game against the other Pop Warner team. They did amazing considering we were one week into wearing pads. Aydin did his 'job' and even had a sac in the end zone on the last play of the game... I was SO excited!! This is going to be a fun season if they continue to play like they did today...
Tonight is Ethan's first day of pads, too! I am going to try and watch for a little while but it is torture dragging all the kids out there, good for you for doing it!
I really dont have a choice... Steve took him last year. How did he do??
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