Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Birthday LIAM!!!

My baby boy is 3 year old today and I am not sure where the time went.
 Another year has past and it is bitter sweet.  I am so excited that he is getting big and can do so much more but I am so sad that my baby is no longer a baby.
Liam has so much energy, a fun personality, cute voice, and is so much fun to be around.  He is so stinking cute... I hope he never grows up!!  

He loves:
going to the beach to look for crabs
snails- everything about them; eating them, finding them, playing with them
riding on the bike
riding the scooter
Wreck it Ralph
Loli (his daycare lady)
his sister and brother
the beach
chicken nuggets
his blanket (thanks auntie Ronee)

Liam we love you so much and are so grateful you are a part of this crazy family!!  You have made our lives complete.

Woke up to this:

Liam with Loli 

After picked up Liam at Lolis (he went to day care to have cake with his friends) we went to the first showing of Monsters University on the base.  

He loved every minute of it 
(the two buckets of popcorn didnt hurt)

Brennen, Aydin, Emma, Isabel, Morgan and Liam

Once Steve got home from work- he opened presents and played a little before his party.  

Coolest cars ever!! 
They are can go on land and in water... and Liam got TWO.  Grandma and Auntie Heather/Uncle Mike sent the SAME thing... without knowing it.  It was awesome and paid off because both Liam and Aydin played together.

1 comment:

ronee said...

I remember the dinner..the blanket and the day this bundle of cuteness was born. Where did the time go Keri? Every week in church the girls mention Liam. We miss you..and I am happy he is in love with his blanket. love you guys.