Saturday, November 30, 2013

Futbol... in San Juan de la Valle

Today Aydin had a game in San Juan de la Valle.  Of course we had NO clue where it was and the typical response was 'just outside of Jerez' (about a half an hour away).  We got up early and followed the bus to the field..... just outside of Jerez.... and a LOT more.  San Juan is almost an hour and a half away.  It was a blink and miss kind of town but very cute.  The boys were playing second for the day so we watched the other Chipiona team play first.  

 Maria Jose and me
 Javi, Aydin and Steve
 The team:

I would like to say we won... or it was a great game but not only did he have 3 hours of travel time... we watched the boys play their worst EVER.  They lost 8-0 and were lucky it was only that.  Hopefully next week they can play better- they way they know how.

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