Saturday, July 23, 2011

Beach day...

Today we meet up with my girlfriend Karlie and her girls under the pier for some beach fun. What a great spot to hang out. We had shade... water around the pier poles... sea life... and more. The kids caught crabs and fish to play with... and make a home for. I am so grateful we live so close to the beach for days like today.

These are not the best quality pics... Steve has my camera and I am still looking for a new one. Until I find a new one, my phone will have to do! I also didnt even get a picture of Aydin today.. bummer!

Morgan and Tristen carrying more fish...

Karlie, her niece, Liam and Tinsley

Liam in his new towel... thanks grandma!!

Im not sure you can see them... put there are 4 fish in there...

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