Thursday, March 11, 2010


March has started off to be a pretty hectic month. Between Morgans birthday, her dance classes every week, Aydin's baseball 4 days/nights a week, doctors apts and Steve leaving... its been crazy.

For those who do not know- Steve and I are expecting baby number 3 this June. (Ultra sound pictures will be posted shortly). We found out last month that we are having a boy. I am so happy for this! I really wanted another boy... not that girls are not fun.. but we only have room for one princess in this house. We are slowly gathering what we need- which is EVERYTHING... I forgot how much crap/stuff comes with having a baby around :). Good thing we still have a few months.
Here are a few pics of this months events so far.... hope you enjoy!

Aydins first baseball game

Morgans Birthday on the 4th

Her opening her doll house... she LOVES it!

At her dance class

1 comment:

Kristen, Spencer, Brendan, Isaac, and Bryce said...

Congratulations! That is awesome! We sure miss y'all here in Athens.