6 years have come and gone... way too fast!!
Morgan Dakota has been such a blessing in our lives and we are so happy she is a member of this family. She has a smile that makes you smile, a laugh that is contagious, and a fun personality that makes you want to be around her (most of the time).
She is loved by all who knows her; her brothers, friends, teachers, and US!!
Morgans favorites this year- so far...
popcorn chicken
chocolate milk
Good Morning Morgan... Look at all your presents!!
A new karaoke cd player
This year she had her friends Julianne, Tristen and Isabella sleep over. They sang with her new cd player, jumped on the trampoline, played outside, watched a movie, had pizza and ice cream, and partied until they could not party anymore...
Her party with all her other friends was at Main beach park. All she wanted was to play at the park with her friends. She had a blast!!
Brianna, Morgan, and Tristen
Kendall, Morgan, Brianna, Tristen, and Jake