Since they had so much fun they decided to set the tent up in mom's backyard for a few more nights. And by "they", I mean Aydin, Morgan, and Auntie Heather - everyone else was happy to be sleeping in their own bed, out of the heat and away from the bugs! Morgan happily carried the lanterns out to the tent for us so we'd have light once it got dark.

All changed into jammies, our beds are set up, and the lanterns have batteries (most important of all!)
While they waited patiently for the fireflies to start blinking, they played a few games of checkers.

Finally, they thought they saw something! Aydin grabbed the lantern and Morgan grabbed the headlamp so they could head out into the darkness..

In search of the ever elusive firefly...
Victorious! They were finally able to catch not one, but two! They had a third one, but it got away at the last second.. Aydin was so happy - he was dying to watch them blinking in the dark of the tent. Heather said she thought he fell asleep within a few minutes - it was well after 11:00 when they finally got ready to go to sleep.
Morgan however, wasn't so sure. Once we were quiet she said, "I don't know if it's so much fun to sleep outside.. what if there are bears?!" Heather reassured her there were definitely no bears in grandma's backyard - I'm sure she was thinking now would be a good time to go back inside with grandma! She decided to stick it out though, and happily marched back to the tent the next night - lantern in hand!