I love Easter!!
Today was a great day!! We were able to sleep in- almost 7 am..... and to us thats is like 10 to most people. I even had to wake Morgan up!! They loved their baskets this year. I love that they loved their baskets this year.

We then went to church- even though I did not hear most of the meeting... I still enjoyed being in the building. I then had the opportunity to give the sharing time lesson to the Primary children- about the 'true' meaning of why we celebrate Easter.

After church we finally dyed our Easter eggs (I almost forgot... thank you Aydin for reminding me to buy eggs yesterday). The kids love doing this- as do I (How did I almost forget?!)!

We had a great Easter dinner tonight! Our great friends Brad and Monica came over for dinner- and Thanks to Steves mom... we ate HAM. When I say HAM- I mean a 13 pound ham. I think she thought we were inviting every one we knew :). Its a good thing I love ham... and that is one thing I WILL eat as a leftover.

I am so grateful for our Savior and for His sacrifice to die for me so that I too can live with Him again. May we all remember the 'true' meaning of Easter this year. I hope you all had as great of a day as we did.