Yesterday both Steve and Aydin had the day off so we decided to get up early and surprise the kids with a trip to Sea World. What a great day. We got there when it opened and went straight to the rides. The kids were able to ride on the boat ride- so we all went together. Steve and I thought this was going to be a fun kid friendly ride- until it it went from cute mermaids and fish to scary and dark. While Aydin tried to enjoy it- not sure if he really did.. Morgan cried out of terror the whole time. I felt so bad for the poor girl. I think we have officially scared her into riding any more rides for a very long time. We had to but the picture of us on the ride... of course Steve and I are laughing, Aydin is not too sure of whats going to happen next and Morgan is straight scared out of her mind. Got to love it!

We then went to the Shamu show which kept the kids in awe the whole time. After we went to see every other fish and mammal we could until the dolphin show started. Of course I have to mention that Steve won a game prize walking over to the dolphin show- a stuffed animal dolphin the size of Morgan. He was so proud of himself and Morgan forgot all about the scary ride we took hours before. We had a blast! The kids are already talking about the next time we go back.